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Doctor, lawyer, accountant, dentist...

Some people go to school to do something they love; I happen to be one of those fortunate people; I knew before I started law school that I wanted to work in law. I found this out rather serendipitously, by becoming involved in a fairly protracted lawsuit after I ran my hand through a shredder, and having done all the legal research myself.  Cross-examining a doctor was a heady thing indeed!

Other people seem not to care so much what they do, so long as it pays the right amount of money. People who are good at science will run down the line of premed, pre-dental, pre-vet; business types will balance accounting-finance-CPA with economics-management-MBA. And some people seem to have no preference at all and will take the LSAT, the GMAT, and the GRE, and see which they can parlay into the biggest-name school with the largest starting salary.

This section will help you to see some of the basic differences among the law/medicine/business options, and individual questions and posts under each heading will tell you more about the different options.

CAVEAT: From 1981 through 2000, I only worked with the LSAT and law school admissions. In 2001, I added medical school and allied health professions; and when I joined Quora in 2015, I began learning about other programs from associates. Don't be surprised if you see three times as many answers about law schools as for any other program.

Many questions are asked variously for colleges, law schools, medical schools, business schools, and graduate academic degrees; and many times the answers are identical. In those cases, there may be just a general section – for instance, resumes are not likely be treated differently for each type of degree. In those cases, the information you're looking for will almost always be under the heading on the right.

Occasionally, however, some information is specific to one area or another; for instance, law schools rarely interview, while medical and business schools virtually always interview, as do a number of colleges. Information specific to a particular program is on the left-hand column. 

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Law or Medicine?

Do law schools or Business Schools in USA have L.L.M. in startup law?

Lawyers Don't Memorize

"Big Law" Starting Salaries Rise to $180K

Smart, Really Smart, and Genius

How Much Does Diversity Matter?

The Grammar Nazis are Judges.

Beware of Experts!

What are med schools and law schools and what are compared to college?

Is the comparison possible between Harvard Law School  & Harvard Business School. If No, why and If Yes, how?

Obviously becoming a lawyer would ensure a great salary, but is it worth the stress and time-consumption?

How did you get into the University of Pennsylvania?

How is medicine related to law?

On average, how long will a law degree take if I decide to take a year of freshman and pre-law beforehand?

What are some qualities that admissions officers look for when accepting graduate students?

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